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"Heart-wrenching and dynamic choreography"--The Wonderful World of Dance
Featured on WWDTV:
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My latest work is this piece of filmed choreography entitled “Pulling”, which is co-produced by DFX Entertainment and Other World Recording, 

1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Every 9 seconds a woman experiences abuse. Violence against women is the biggest threat to the health of women under 50. 


Domestic Violence is not an easy subject to deal with, but it is an important one. 


To me, telling this story through dance is poignant because it offers a unique perspective in how you can show the emotional and physical struggle. I am hoping that by looking at domestic violence through the art of dance, it will make it something that can be more easily shared which will in turn open more communication and help people understand the complicated reality of this kind of relationship. The goal is to get people aware and talking and hopefully move us towards progress of altering those kind of statistics.

We can and should break the silence.

Special Thanks to
Ray Roberts
CONNetic Dance 
DFX Entertainment
Other World Recording
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-Carolyn Paine
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